Wiki the Feathers




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だれでも歓迎! 編集
☆★☆ GARDEN OF DAISIES (set piece) ☆★☆ by Patrick
  1. Two single shuffles
  2. Two grand cuts
  3. Two half cuts
  4. Double shuffle on the right
  5. Half cut with left
  6. Shuffle hop back on the right
  7. Two front rocks – right and left
  8. Two back rocks, shuffle hop back on the left
  9. Two side steps to the right
  10. Kick out the right, walk forward
  11. Front rock with the right
  12. Step down on the right
  13. Put the left heel out
  14. Kick the right toe behind
  15. Shuffle hop back on the left

  1. Two single shuffle – right and left
  2. Double down on the left
  3. Stamp with the right
  4. Brush the left forward
  5. Across, dent the left toe
  6. Stamp with left
  7. Shuffle hop back on the right
  8. Double shuffle on the right


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