
薬学英語(後半)」(2005/12/11 (日) 23:40:13) の最新版変更点



一番下のわかりにくい所に添付ファイルを置きました。 中身は穴の開いた本文+解答(アクセント付)のwordファイルです。 「右クリック→対象をファイルに保存」でダウンロード後、印刷して使ってください。 丸暗記って言われたので、穴埋めはむずかしめに作ってあります。 12/11 23時25分 4ページ目の単語を暗記するためのexcelファイルを置きました。 ---- 1枚目 The white cells The white blood cells (leucocytes) may be divided into two broad groups -the phagocytes and the lymphocytes. Granulocytes , which include three types of cell , neutrophils (polymorphs) , eosinophils and basophils , together with monocytes comprise the phagocytes. The lymphocytes , their precursor cells , and plasma cells make up the immunocyte population . Normally only mature phagocytic cells and lymphocytes are found in the peripheral blood. NORMAL LEUCOCYTE APPEARANCE NEUTROPHIL(POLYMORPH) This cell 12-15 μm in diameter has a characteristic dense nucleus consisting of between 2 and 5 lobes and a pale cytoplasm with an irregular outline and containing many fine pink (azurophilic) or violet-pink granules. MONOCYTES These are of variable appearance , usually larger than other peripheral blood leucocytes (16-20 μm in diameter) and possess a large central oval or indented nucleus with clumped chromatin. EOSINOPHILS These cells are similar to neutrophils except the cytoplasmic granules are coarser and more deeply red staining (since they contain a basic protein) and there are rarely more than three nuclear lobes. They enter inflammatory exudates and appear to have a special role in allergic responses , in defence against parasites and in removal of fibrin formed during inflammation. BASOPHILS These are only occasionally seen in normal peripheral blood. They have many cytoplasmic granules which overlie the nucleus and contain heparin and histamine. In the tissues they become mast cells. They have IgE attachment sites and their degranulation is associated with histamine release. LYMPHOCYTES Most lymphocytes present in the peripheral blood are small cells (7-15 μm in diameter) with scanty cytoplasm and a central nucleus with coarse chromatin. ---- 2枚目 ① Aldehydes are compounds of the general formula RCHO ; ketones are compounds of the general formula RR´CO. The groups R and R´ may be aliphatic or aromatic. (In one aldehyde , HCHO , R is H.) Both aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl group , C=O , and are often referred to collectively as carbonyl compounds. It is the carbonyl group that largely determines the chemistry of aldehydes and ketones. It is not surprising to find that aldehydes and ketones resemble each other closely in most of their properties. However , there is a hydrogen atom attached to the carbonyl group of aldehydes , and there are two organic groups attached to the carbonyl ketones. This difference in structure affects their properties in two ways : (a) aldehydes are quite easily oxidized , whereas ketones are oxidized only with difficulty ; (b) aldehydes are usually more reactive than ketones toward nucleophilic addition , the characteristic reaction of carbonyl compounds. ② As for their functional groups , all common monosaccharides consist of a chain of carbons , all but one of which are bonded to a hydroxyl group (C-OH). The single exception is a carbon doubly bonded to an oxygen, thereby forming a carbonyl group. The two atoms (other than the oxygen) that are bonded directly to the carbonyl carbon determine whether it is part of an aldehyde or a ketone. ③ The classification of monosaccharides can indicate , simultaneously , both their carbon chain lengths and the kinds of substituents on their carbonyl groups. Glucose for example , with a six-carbon skeleton topped off by an aldehydic group , is an aldohexose. Here the prefix aldo- tells us that glucose contains the aldehyde carbonyl group (aldehyde , because there's a hydrogen bonded to the carbonyl group's carbon), the stem -hex- refers to the six carbons present , and the suffix -ose places the compound in the carbohydrate family. ④ Any abnormal growth of cells is called a tumor , or neoplasm. If the tumor is confined to a local area and does not spread , it is called a benign (be-nine') tumor. If the tumor spreads to neighboring tissues or to distant parts of the body , it is called a malignant (mah-lig'-nant) tumor. The general term for any type of malignant tumor is cancer. The process of tumor cell spread is called metastasis (ma-tas'-ta-sis). Tumors are found in all kinds of tissue , but they occur most frequently in those tissues that repair themselves most quickly ; these tissues are epithelium and connective tissue , in that order. ⑤ Malignant tumors , unlike benign tumors , can cause death no matter where they occur. Malignant tumors generally are classified in two categories according to the type of tissue in which they originate: 1 Carcinomas(kar-si-no'mahs). These cancers originate in epithelium and are by far the most common type of cancer. Common sites of carcinoma are the skin , mouth , lung , breast , stomach , colon , and uterus. Carcinomas are usually spread by the lymphatic system. 2 Sarcomas(sar-ko'mahs). These are cancers of connective tissue of all kinds and hence may be found anywhere in the body. Their cells are usually spread by the blood stream , and they often form secondary growths in the lungs. ---- 3枚目 Cancer is not a new disease. The fossilized remains of animals and ancient human bones indicate that it has been around for thousands of years. Only in this century has fundamental scientific research provided the genetic , cellular , chemical , and technological means to detect , diagnose, and treat cancers. Because of improvements in treatment , the frequency of deaths from cancers of the uterus , colon and rectum , and stomach have declined over the last two decades. At current rates , over 1.5 million Americans will develop cancer annually. Over 500,000 die each year ; that is one death per minute. In most cases , cancer is a disease of middle and later life. Many cancer deaths , especially those resulting from sunlight , smoking , and alcohol consumption , can be prevented through changes in personal behavior. Many more can be prevented by means of early recognition and treatment. ----
一番下のわかりにくい所に添付ファイルを置きました。 中身は穴の開いた本文+解答(アクセント付)のwordファイルです。 「右クリック→対象をファイルに保存」でダウンロード後、印刷して使ってください。 丸暗記って言われたので、穴埋めはむずかしめに作ってあります。 12/11 23時25分 4ページ目の単語を暗記するためのexcelファイルを置きました。 一番下のzipファイルは、その上の7つのファイルのセットです。 ---- 1枚目 The white cells The white blood cells (leucocytes) may be divided into two broad groups -the phagocytes and the lymphocytes. Granulocytes , which include three types of cell , neutrophils (polymorphs) , eosinophils and basophils , together with monocytes comprise the phagocytes. The lymphocytes , their precursor cells , and plasma cells make up the immunocyte population . Normally only mature phagocytic cells and lymphocytes are found in the peripheral blood. NORMAL LEUCOCYTE APPEARANCE NEUTROPHIL(POLYMORPH) This cell 12-15 μm in diameter has a characteristic dense nucleus consisting of between 2 and 5 lobes and a pale cytoplasm with an irregular outline and containing many fine pink (azurophilic) or violet-pink granules. MONOCYTES These are of variable appearance , usually larger than other peripheral blood leucocytes (16-20 μm in diameter) and possess a large central oval or indented nucleus with clumped chromatin. EOSINOPHILS These cells are similar to neutrophils except the cytoplasmic granules are coarser and more deeply red staining (since they contain a basic protein) and there are rarely more than three nuclear lobes. They enter inflammatory exudates and appear to have a special role in allergic responses , in defence against parasites and in removal of fibrin formed during inflammation. BASOPHILS These are only occasionally seen in normal peripheral blood. They have many cytoplasmic granules which overlie the nucleus and contain heparin and histamine. In the tissues they become mast cells. They have IgE attachment sites and their degranulation is associated with histamine release. LYMPHOCYTES Most lymphocytes present in the peripheral blood are small cells (7-15 μm in diameter) with scanty cytoplasm and a central nucleus with coarse chromatin. ---- 2枚目 ① Aldehydes are compounds of the general formula RCHO ; ketones are compounds of the general formula RR´CO. The groups R and R´ may be aliphatic or aromatic. (In one aldehyde , HCHO , R is H.) Both aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl group , C=O , and are often referred to collectively as carbonyl compounds. It is the carbonyl group that largely determines the chemistry of aldehydes and ketones. It is not surprising to find that aldehydes and ketones resemble each other closely in most of their properties. However , there is a hydrogen atom attached to the carbonyl group of aldehydes , and there are two organic groups attached to the carbonyl ketones. This difference in structure affects their properties in two ways : (a) aldehydes are quite easily oxidized , whereas ketones are oxidized only with difficulty ; (b) aldehydes are usually more reactive than ketones toward nucleophilic addition , the characteristic reaction of carbonyl compounds. ② As for their functional groups , all common monosaccharides consist of a chain of carbons , all but one of which are bonded to a hydroxyl group (C-OH). The single exception is a carbon doubly bonded to an oxygen, thereby forming a carbonyl group. The two atoms (other than the oxygen) that are bonded directly to the carbonyl carbon determine whether it is part of an aldehyde or a ketone. ③ The classification of monosaccharides can indicate , simultaneously , both their carbon chain lengths and the kinds of substituents on their carbonyl groups. Glucose for example , with a six-carbon skeleton topped off by an aldehydic group , is an aldohexose. Here the prefix aldo- tells us that glucose contains the aldehyde carbonyl group (aldehyde , because there's a hydrogen bonded to the carbonyl group's carbon), the stem -hex- refers to the six carbons present , and the suffix -ose places the compound in the carbohydrate family. ④ Any abnormal growth of cells is called a tumor , or neoplasm. If the tumor is confined to a local area and does not spread , it is called a benign (be-nine') tumor. If the tumor spreads to neighboring tissues or to distant parts of the body , it is called a malignant (mah-lig'-nant) tumor. The general term for any type of malignant tumor is cancer. The process of tumor cell spread is called metastasis (ma-tas'-ta-sis). Tumors are found in all kinds of tissue , but they occur most frequently in those tissues that repair themselves most quickly ; these tissues are epithelium and connective tissue , in that order. ⑤ Malignant tumors , unlike benign tumors , can cause death no matter where they occur. Malignant tumors generally are classified in two categories according to the type of tissue in which they originate: 1 Carcinomas(kar-si-no'mahs). These cancers originate in epithelium and are by far the most common type of cancer. Common sites of carcinoma are the skin , mouth , lung , breast , stomach , colon , and uterus. Carcinomas are usually spread by the lymphatic system. 2 Sarcomas(sar-ko'mahs). These are cancers of connective tissue of all kinds and hence may be found anywhere in the body. Their cells are usually spread by the blood stream , and they often form secondary growths in the lungs. ---- 3枚目 Cancer is not a new disease. The fossilized remains of animals and ancient human bones indicate that it has been around for thousands of years. Only in this century has fundamental scientific research provided the genetic , cellular , chemical , and technological means to detect , diagnose, and treat cancers. Because of improvements in treatment , the frequency of deaths from cancers of the uterus , colon and rectum , and stomach have declined over the last two decades. At current rates , over 1.5 million Americans will develop cancer annually. Over 500,000 die each year ; that is one death per minute. In most cases , cancer is a disease of middle and later life. Many cancer deaths , especially those resulting from sunlight , smoking , and alcohol consumption , can be prevented through changes in personal behavior. Many more can be prevented by means of early recognition and treatment. ----

