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だれでも歓迎! 編集

ルナティックリール/moon dance/Akino

journey to the proper fraction
I'm on beat of dinosaur
party for the cosmic tourist
I'm a dancer of this town

steps on the moon
we are always binary
I will hop my hip to dance
wake up drowsy earth

there're many woolly tourists
from various time and space
smells of liquor, food and luster
shanty show is on the floor

waiting for the sign
tap my toe with fairy lights
now this show will start to please their hearts,then higher higher

stomp and jump to high
pluck the guts and tambour fight
and a dancer make a glorious delight
I play on the moon, and my sister on the earth
we can feel the same emotional bohdran

stomp and jump to high
pluck the guts and tambour fight
and a dancer make a glorious delight
I play on the moon, and my sister on the earth
we can feel the same emotional bohdran

you can see the moon in the daylight
we take each other keep an eye on creatures under sea
now is party shake the moondance on and on


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